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The Full Story



From the very beginning of this project, I wanted to create a space where people could just be, breathe and let go. A place to feel safe, to relax and unwind,   This is a space to slow down, rest, recharge, and nourish ourselves, away from the hectic screen-intensive fast-paced modern world. 


In designing this space, I wanted to reduce waste, as I am hugely passionate about waste... or the reduction of it! Living in such a throw away society I wanted to make this project from as much recycled or up cycled material as I could.  I’ve done most of the building work myself with the help of a few experts along the way, and so every inch of the garden, spa or studios has a story  of the challenges of turning what was effectively a  junkyard into a green, wooded haven.


It has been one of the most ambitious things I have ever attempted, and this is only the beginning! 




I have been practising Yoga and meditation for over 25 years and teaching for the last 10. It's the one thing in my life I keep going back to and has kept me going through the darkest of times,  and I wanted to offer that back, somehow.  


My main job for the past 20 years has been in film, specialising  in investigative Journalism.  Through doing this work, I've been fortunate enough to experience many different cultures, whilst travelling the globe,  and I hope bits of these experiences are reflected in the Sensate space. However, this job has also meant I have been witness to many unpleasant situations around the world, therefore mental health and safe-guarding has become a major passion of mine. And thus Sensate was born.

Buddha Close Up


To create a sanctuary of peace, wellbeing and joy. 

Sensate spa & studios is a boutique spa that  

 gives you multiple ways to allow you to be present, to just be, whether its through the spa, a therapy, a class or an event.


  we will be launching a scheme to work with a different charity a month, to help those most in need.  By supporting your own self care each time you buy a journey,  you are contributing to allowing those less fortunate then yourself to benefit too.

Leaf Stem


An ever growing urban jungle of green.  A space of relaxation, joy, fun, laughter and release.

To help those to help themselves. 


©2022 Sensate Spa and Studios.  The Garden 68 Northumbria Drive, BS9 4hw

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